Thursday, July 28, 2016

Slippery Slander Slope

Trump says that he was just kidding.
That’s a slippery slope that he’s skidding.
For slander to say
And then laugh it away
Foretells a reign dark and forbidding.

Demagogue Despot BFFs

Some think they're especially bad,
Mr. Trump and his dear comrade,
     Like peas in a pod,
     They each think themselves god,
The Donald and good buddy Vlad.

                           - by Don Hubin

His blinders are on

There's more false claims from the windbag,
Complaining that the stage had no flag.
     But let's set it straight,
     All night there were eight.
Once again, Trump's tweets make us gag.


Is it possible he is sincere
When his head is oft up his rear?
His remarks are offensive
Hair color expensive
While his personal motives are clear.

By David Hoover

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Education of Mrs. Trump

Melania’s site has come down
Her education’s the talk of the town!
     Does she have a degree?
     Trump U should be free
Since she’s shacked up with Donald the Clown.

Hack in the USSR

Trump’s causing Republican mutiny
His comments receiving much scrutiny
     Has he lost all reason
     To resort to such treason?
It’s just that he loves all that’s Putin-y.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

He gave Trump's ego a bruise...

There was not an endorsement by Cruz,
So the delegates responded with boos.
     Ted's got his eyes
     On the 2020 prize
And he fully expects Trump to lose.

I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

The GOP says the world will implode
if we continue down the Democrat’s road.
     Will Trump keep us safe?
     The thought makes me chafe.
He can’t wait to get the nuclear code.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Where's the mirror?

Trump's people look for others to shame.
Manafort looked at Clinton to defame.
     The world realized
     Melania plagiarized.
Now Merideth McGiver gets the blame.

Never Truman

There’s one quote that you’ll never hear
Plagiarized by Melania dear
     Neither she nor her spouse
     Will ever espouse
A belief that the buck stops right here.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Melania's speech

The current Trump wife was a hit
Her speech full of charm, grace, and wit.
     But wait for the drama
     Who wrote it?  Obama!
She copied Michelle’s lines – that twit!

How loyal, Ivana and Marla?

"He's intensely loyal, he won't let you down."
Says Trump's third wife, dressed up in her gown.
     How loyal he'll be
     Is easy to see.
Ask creditors screwed by this orange clown.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Boo hoo

Trump stands for a party united
Says Manafort proud and delighted.
     But his team has no love
     For John Kasich, our gov –
His absence makes Donald feel slighted.

Conventional Open Carry

Ohio feels much apprehension
For the RNC Cleveland convention.
     Guns will not be banned
     Open carry will stand
Police tried but could not get suspension.

It's all about me!

The news conference was seemingly tense,
when Trump introduces Mike Pence.
     He soon set the tone
     and left him on stage alone.
Another sign of Trump's true moral sense.

Could you not predict the response?

Trump presented T-P as his logo,
with the T up and down like a yo-yo.
     Not just a bad graphic
     But quite pornographic.
So he quickly decides it's a no-go.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Logo

Trump’s logo defines his campaign
It’s thoughtless and mildly profane.
     So bend over Pence
     It will be this way hence
You’re part of the Donald Trump train.

Greatness Redefined

Insult replaces debate;
He capitalizes on hate;
   Trump spouts “law and order”
   And closing the border,
And says this is what makes us “great.”

By Steve Fink

Thursday, July 14, 2016

A Convention Like No Other

The RNC features Tim Tebow
And Ruffin who owns a casino
     Average people like these
     Will put voters at ease
With the fabulous insights they show.

Best VP Choice, Hands Down!

His choice for VP makes good sense;
He’s picked Indiana’s Mike Pence.
   A strong Trump supporter
   And Christian exhorter
With hands that are really immense!

By Steve Fink

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Celebrity Apprentice

The Donald must pick a VP
An apprentice who gets policy.
     There’s much apprehension
     About the convention
Who will this celebrity be?

Party of Lincoln

Trump’s taking the Party of Lincoln
Down pathways disgusting and stinkin’.
     He’s stoking mistrust
     Inspiring disgust
Let’s hope that support for him’s shrinkin’!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Notorious RBG

Justice Ginsburg “disgraces” the court
Says Trump in his pompous report.
     RBG won’t back down
     From condemning that clown
“He’s a faker” is her tough retort.

Good call, Murphy

While both were students at Wharton,
Bergen said Trump once came a courtin'
     Donald: "I was great"
     Candice: "Real bad date"
His nose grows (and his fingers shorten.)

Friday, July 8, 2016

Not the Constitution - maybe the Declaration of Human Rights?

Trump thinks there's an Article twelve.
He's more clueless the deeper we delve.
     His knowledge is shallow,
     his experience, callow.
His candidacy's something to shelve.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Inspired by Saddam

Dictators would make this world great
Saddam and Gadhafi – a slate!
      Killed the terrorists good
     They did what they should
Trump inspires our country to hate.

His Greatest Con

Consider the glorious Don:
Scam after scam does he spawn.
   The Donald Trump choosers
   He would consider all losers;
They're victims of his greatest con.

                    by Don Hubin

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Equal Opportunity

Alas, our whole system is rigged,
The Donald’s supporters all twigged.
     Poor Trump had no chance
     To grow rich and advance
That must be some good stuff he swigged.

Not the sheriff

Trump should check the encyclopedia,
Or at least open Wikipedia.  
      Demeaning David's Star
      Just shows who you are. 
But he blames the dishonest media.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

He's like a "Face in the Crowd"

Trump claims he can run our great nation
but he's thriving on crowd adulation. 
     He's followed by sheep
     Now he's in way too deep. 
What we need from the Donald is cessation. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Throwaway wives - matching beliefs

Trump may choose his VP to be Newt.
Could he find someone of lower repute?
       "She's too ugly," Newt says
       "To be the wife of the pres."
So he gave his first wife the boot.