Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Burn immigrants for light

If you're captured you can't be a hero,
so in Trump's view McCain is a zero.
     His very narrow views
     Make clear who to choose.
Trump's tyranny would be likened to Nero.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

So where does he stand???

Trump stood tough on immigrating thugs
Coming here with their crimes and their drugs.
     But he’s softening a bit,
     No wait – hardening is it.

Ummm….his policies still have a few bugs.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Rampant racism

Trump’s real platform is so hard to trace. 
On immigration he’s doing an about face.
     But one thing is certain
     When you throw back the curtain
He’s a provocateur on all matters of race.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

He Cares for The Blacks

The Donald speaks out to The Blacks
They need him, cause they’re such sad sacks.
     They all live in despair
     But take hope, he does care
He tells The Whites, he’s got Blacks' backs.

A very short book tour!

“In Trump we Trust”, said author Ann Coulter.
She thought his plan for the wall couldn’t be bolder.
     “We’ll let them stay,
     But back taxes they’ll pay.”
The Donald just gave Ann the cold shoulder.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Trump's Strategy to Win

He brags about his enormous wealth,
Now spreads rumors on Hillary’s health,
     He’s been serially broke
     But she’s not ready to croak,
Thinks he can win by insults and stealth! 

                           by Sreeni

Monday, August 22, 2016

Who is she kidding?

With whom did Ms. Conway consult
Before saying Trump doesn't hurl an insult?
     Her assertion fell down,
     he called Joe and Mika a clown.
His regret should be not acting adult.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Bannon to the Rescue (?)

He is the prime loose cannon,
To bolster it he’s hired Bannon,
     Many a sinking poll
     Has taken its toll,
More shit will now fly with fan on!

                             by Sreeni

Reaching Out to (for?) Women

He imagines an electorate of all white males,
Now he’s counseled by his good friend Ailes,
     Nothing could be any crasser
     Than a serial sexual harasser,
To empower our 19th amendment females!

                                 -by Sreeni

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Shake-up in the Trump Camp

Trump’s demotion of Paul Manafort
Sends a signal of greatest import
     “Moderation” no more
     Unvarnished Trump is in store    
Republicans should choose to abort.

Crowd size is not related to hand size

The Donald seems to be very proud
When he speaks of the size of his crowd.
     But one of the factors
     Is that many are actors.
And when asked, their support's disavowed.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Litmus Test Jest

For immigrants he proposes a litmus test,
He thinks he alone knows what is best;
     Based on hatred and bigotry
     Wouldn't he be denied entry,
Maybe this too he says just in sheer jest.

By Sreeni

Monday, August 15, 2016

Paul Manafort's Employers

Mr. Trump's got a new source of pain;
His aide got $12 mil from Ukraine.
    Make USA great,
    Like a Soviet state,
That's the aim of The Donald's campaign

                            - by Don Hubin

P.S. Of course the Ukraine is not a Soviet state. But the politician who Manafort worked for there, Yanukovuych, seemed happy to make it something like that.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

No, seriously, democracy works...

Trump says that he just can’t be beat
Unless Philly voters all cheat.
     The polls must be wrong
     Cause he pulls in a throng
How much nonsense can one man excrete?

Friday, August 12, 2016

Trump's Loose Lips

Urges gun owners to do his bidding
Then shrugs he was only kidding,     
     He shoots from the hip     
     Often with his loose lip,
Scary where this election is heading. 

                            by Sreeni

Behind the curtain

Obama's the founder of ISIS,
And Hillary can't lead in a crisis.
     Trump uses such lies
     to try to disguise
His own flaws, weakness, and vices.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

If We Could Turn Back Time...

It's true that he should have pulled out
Of that, there is simply no doubt.
     But I don't mean Barack
     From the war in Iraq --
It's Trump's daddy I'm talking about!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Second Amendment People

Trump fails his attempt to reboot
With his Second Amendment salute.
     If Clinton should say
     Take their gun rights away
He hints his supporters should shoot.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Me no like reporters

He claims the reporters "don't write good"
When writing stories on him like they should.
     But his polls have gone south
     Because he opens his mouth.
He wouldn't filter his words if he could.

Who's short circuited?

His attacks have become very tired.
The latest is "Hillary's cross-wired."
     It's knowledge he lacks
     And he ignores the facts.
I'd love to tell Donald "You're fired!"

Sunday, August 7, 2016

GOP Predicament

With his foot firmly thrust in his maw
Polls trending lower than we ever saw;
     Things getting frantic,
     GOP in virtual panic
Stuck on a nominee with many a flaw!

             by Sreeni

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Extra! Extra!

The biggest news story this week
Came when Donald Trump stood up to speak
     For minutes on end
     He didn’t offend!
Now he’s back to his old ranting streak.

Sexual Harassment

Most people are truly aghast
At Trump’s counsel to those harassed:
     There’s no need to sob
     Go find a new job
Strong women can do so and fast.

Time for an Intervention

Trump’s run needs an intervention
To stop the spreading dissension.
     Reince Priebus and Newt
     Giuliani to boot

Work toward a Trump reinvention.

The Illegal

When Trump’s wife came to work from abroad
Her tourist visa made her a fraud.
     But as long as you’re white
     You can stay – it’s all right
That’s logic that’s racist and flawed.

Donald on a Leash

For months it's been "Donald, Unchained"
Now we see him finally reined.
     He reads from a list,
     Endorsing people he's pissed,
Though the fondness is certainly feigned.

                         by Don Hubin

Who's Next?

He even throws out crying babies
Barks like he has a case of rabies,
     Which group will he now pillory
     Other than his arch rival Hillary,
Or is it plain hoof in mouth disease!

                              by Sreeni

Make America Grate Again!

He claims to be our Voice
All he blares is empty noise
     Spewing insults galore
     Can’t take it no more
This folks is the GOP’s choice?!
                       by Sreeni

Friday, August 5, 2016

Only I can fix it...

Trump is quick with his Hillary chastisement,
and often offers a false advertisement.
     He strays from the truth
     and he's totally uncouth.
We’re tired of his self-aggrandizement.

Easier than going to war

He’s a megalomaniac like Bonaparte
And his egotism is way off the chart.
     But one thing is true,
     At the Battle of Waterloo,
Napoleon would have earned his purple heart.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Trump's Imagination

More figments of Trump's imagination,
Which is a jungle of misinformation,
     First Muslims a'dancin',
     Now planes full of ransom.
We're in trouble if he leads our nation.

                      by Don Hubin

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Trump's Editorial Review of the NYTimes

The New York Times' "a disaster,"
Said the orange-skinned loonies' ringmaster.
    They cannot "write good"
     Like journalists should.
To the literate, this claim provokes laughter.

                            by Don Hubin

It's Rigged Against Me!

"The November 8th fix is in,"
Says the man with extremely thin skin.
    What proof has he got?
     He thinks quite a lot:
"If it were fair, I would certainly win!"

                               by Don Hubin

Monday, August 1, 2016

New York Post-er Girl

Trump pledges to crack down on porn
Another Trump pledge that earns scorn!
     See the pics of his wife
     From the Post - large as life
She’s as nude as the day she was born.

Trump's Sacrifice

He says he has sacrificed lots,
Though it's not like he took any shots
    Tall buildings he made
    And he hardly got paid,
Except for the jets and the yachts.

                             by Don Hubin