Friday, September 30, 2016

Don't Stumpf for Drumpf

There's similarities with Wells Fargo's Stumpf,
and the "businessman" Donald J. Trump.
     Financial laws they flaunt,
    and take the money they want.
Then throw their employees on the dump.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Trump’s First Miss Universe

Trump fat-shamed Alicia Machado
With bluster and nasty bravado.
      A girl then just twenty
      He tormented her plenty
The guy is a super dickwad-o.

Maybe his 10 year old could get "tough on the cyber"

A threat are those cyber attackers,
Still Trump won't call out the Russian hackers.
     No, it's a 400 lb man,
     (Probably a Hillary fan.)
How clueless are Trump and his backers?

Friday, September 23, 2016

He says it worked in New York...

"Stop and frisk" is his stated solution.
It's nothing more than continued persecution.
     The use of racial profiling
     Causes Trump to keep smiling.
As again he ignores the constitution.

And buy me another portrait

There's no reason for his popularity.
True statements from him are a rarity.
     And should he get sued,
     His twisted attitude
Is to settle the suit from his charity.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Hey, Thanks for Clearing That Up!

Trump’s “research” has now been concluded.
Can his fans really be this deluded?
     He says now it’s clear
     Barack was born here
No one sane ever thought this disputed.


Trump calls on her guards to disarm
He must mean they need increased charm.
     He can’t mean to incite
     The gun loving Alt-Right.
Does he really wish Hillary harm?

Saturday, September 10, 2016

North Korean Endorsement

North Korea backs Donald to win
He’s “prescient” and “wise,” is their spin.
     He’s “not screwy at all”
     Another great call
Kim Jong Un’s not exactly a ten!

Just Say Nyet!

Now that he’s gone full pro-Soviet
Can’t just sit by and say so be it,
     With a sly spy to slow dance
     Is taking a very risky chance,
Isn’t it high time to just say nyet!

By Sreeni

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

How Low Can He Go?

The Freedom Kids have a new song
It goes “Donald Trump done us wrong.”
     They’re planning to sue
     Cause he didn’t come through -
Does cheating kids prove that you’re strong?


Monday, September 5, 2016

What a Coincidence!!

It’s happenstance, both of them say
Trump gave Bondi $25K
      And she didn’t pursue
      Fraud charged of Trump U
This scandal’s a real pay to play.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Dangers of Taco Trucks

On every corner will rise a yummy taco truck!
Boo, Trumpies scared shitless yelling WTF,
     But one might wonder in all candor
     Why misuse a taco bowl to pander,
His next tweet will be him eating Peking Duck!

                               by Sreeni

Friday, September 2, 2016

Paying for the Wall

Mexican Prez hosted the hateful gringo
Though he knows no word of their lingo,
     Said he’ll build the wall
     And soon deport them all,
But them pay for it is a certain no go! 

                         by Sreeni

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Mexico's President and The Morning After

World leaders who wish to retain
Their positions, might want to refrain
     From appearing with Trump --
     See their poll numbers slump
Nieto is feeling our pain.