Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Light a Candle

We’re faced with a daily Trump scandal

and it seems like it’s too much to handle.

         Like we’re stuck in the loo

         with a mountain of poo.

Someone, ANYONE please light a candle.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Pitchforks and Axes

He cheats on his wives and his taxes

and will lie about what every fact is.

         He’s a psychopath troll

         that in serf times of ole

would be chastened with pitchforks and axes.

Monday, September 28, 2020

How to Post Your Limerick

 Contributions are encouraged!  Submit your limerick as a comment to this message and, unless it is even more vulgar or threatening than Trump, we'll post it for you! Please let us know if you want your name listed under the limerick.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

President Tax Dodger

Well, now we've all heard the facts - 
Trump dodges his fair share of tax.
     He paid less than a grand
     Give this grifter a hand!
He makes most villains look like they're hacks!

Overcharged and Overcombed

Hey Donald, I really do care
When I see things that simply aren't fair.
     It just shouldn't be
     You're charged such a fee
As seventy grand for that hair!

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Berlin 1934. USA 2020?

Ignorance of history is showing.

Tyranny is built on not knowing

         how the insidious creep

         of corrupt power can seep

and gut government with one sowing.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Elections Matter

The peaceful transition of power
Has helped our republic to flower.
     And Trump says – Well, gee -
     We’ll just “have to see.”
Our democracy wanes by the hour.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Karma for Mitch

Machiavellian maneuvers of Mitch

have been vicious and made him quite rich.

         With our ethics in shreds

         how the country has bled.

There's always karma.  Payback is a bitch.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

To Evangelical Christians

Your scriptural knowledge is zero

if you anoint Trump as your hero.

         He’s not chosen by Christ.

         He’s just pulling a heist

with methods of modern day Nero.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Still downplaying the threat!!!

 “It affects virtually no one” he lied. 

Yet over 200,000 have died.

     We continue the tallies

     While Trump holds his rallies.

And U.S. deaths are the highest worldwide. 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Mental Health

The news has become so upsetting.

It leads to vexation and fretting.

         We all need a break

         from the anguish and ache.

Find kittens and puppies for petting.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Supreme Court Injustice

The Hippocratic Oath really rocks
Assures ethical acts from our docs;
     There’s a new oath in town
     Pushed by McConnell - that clown,
His Hypocritic Oath truly shocks.

Friday, September 18, 2020


Good-bye and thank-you Dear Ruth,

model of honor and truth.

         Look on us and sigh

         from your bench in the sky.

We are worse for the loss of your sooth.

Herd Immunity?

Like lambs being led to the slaughter

Trump thinks we are his Covid fodder.

         His non-experts extol

         no infection control,

like they want to put it in our water.

Egregious A.G.

A.G. Barr gives the impression
He has truly evil intentions.
     With his vitriol
     He’s out of control.
Who knew I’d be missing Jeff Sessions?

By Linda Gunther

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Follow the Money! No. 1&2

No. 1

They still have not followed the cash

from the oligarchs to the Trump stash.

         The news is not fake.

         Trump is on the take

in manner both brazen and brash.


No. 2

No one’s followed the money, oh nyet.

Not Mueller.  Not Congress (not yet).

         Restore oversight norms.

         Release his tax forms

and proof of Trump’s large Kremlin debt.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

A natural greeter

Maybe Trump gets his hue from his Cheetos,

Or maybe from corn chips like Fritos.

     The color on his skin

     From his hair to his chin -

It’s the same as the signs at Home Depots.

“Invest in the coal industry!”

Trump’s a consummate climate denier,

Always ignoring the storms and the fire. 

     “The forest floors need mowed

     or the trees will explode.

It’ll get cooler, you watch,” spouts the liar.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


 Because of how we’re gerrymandered

and the state of the courts, in all candor,

         plus the Electoral College

         leaves us with the knowledge

the Biden vote must be much grander.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Maskless MAGAts


Trump stirred up the virus in Vegas,

Ignoring the threat it’s contagious.

     The crowd stood in close places

     With no masks on their faces.

Their ignorance will continue to plague us.


Trump thinks he should get a third term
An idea that should make us all squirm.
     For there’s one tiny flaw -
     Constitutional law!
On that, our land must hold firm.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Infernal Neglect

Have you noticed?  The world is on fire

in a critical climate quagmire.

         A blazing abyss

         where we’ve been remiss

and the Earth can’t sustain our desires.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Billy Boy

While serving as top legal czar
His actions have been quite bizarre. 
     He’ll fight to defend
     Donald Trump to the end;
We all should rise up and dis Barr!

September 11, 2020

We remember the fall of the towers.

We honor the dead with our flowers.

         But history will tell

         how much more we fell

with Trump as our darkest of hours.

Disgrace to Cheerleading

Put him in spandex and pom poms

and cheer uniform for his Don prom.

         Just sideline his ass

         from the squad on the grass

and keep him away from the bomb bombs.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

It’s Conceivable!

The Princess Bride cast!! Unbelievable!!

Will aid in Wisconsin’s receivables

         with a table read of

         Wes and Buttercup’s love

and make a Blue win more achievable!


Ignorance is still infectious

Trump admittedly downplayed the threat,

saying he did not want us to fret

         or make us aware

         so we could prepare

for the virus we’ll never forget.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Peace Prize?

In screwball world news from today
A far right MP from Norway
     Proposed the Nobel
     Go to Trump – what the hell?
Just think what Mandela* would say!

(*or Sister Theresa, or the Dalai Lama, or Desmond Tutu or...)

Partisan Road

The signs on my bumper display

the box I will check voting day.

         So when you cut me off

         with a partisan scoff,

whose vote are you trying to sway?

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

China is back on its feet

China took Covid to task.

Every one there wore a mask.

         But the US is limp

         with leadership gimp

and face masks are too much to ask.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Classroom Consequences

We want kids in classrooms and bleachers,

but they will need counseling and preachers

         from emotional scars

         when this form of SARS

infects and kills their favorite teachers.


Can he even read them?


Mary Trump writes of his life;

Other accounts of his misdeeds are rife.

    Woodward, Omarosa, and Comey.

     Cohen, Bolton, Scaramucci. 

But the most damning will come from his wife. 

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Essential Workers and Expendable People

As workers you called us required

and made us think we were admired.

         But we’ve worked day and night

         with no real end in sight

and many of us have expired.

Bring back CDC Classic!

Hey CDC, you okay?

You seem to be losing your way.

         Please get back on track

         and give COVID a whack.

We’re losing near thousand a day.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Only I can fix it.

Trump supporters have drunk of the tonic 

That has resulted in a view so chthonic.

     “The country’s aflame

     And the Dems are to blame.”

Yet who’s fanning the embers? Ironic. 

OK Trump supporters: What's in it for you?

I know you are taking your cue

from a man who cares nothing for you.

            He’ll take your health care,

            your clean water and air

So tell me, what’s in it for you?

POTUS Known Cur

It wasn’t the heel spur he fabled

that kept him in civvies and sables.

            He never could serve.

            He hasn’t the nerve,

and his soul is completely disabled.

Friday, September 4, 2020

President Bone Spurs

Fallen heros are losers, Trump said
They’re suckers, he observed of the dead.
     What’s in it for them?
     Asks our bone spur gem.
Respect for their work? – Not a shred.

Econ 101

The NASDAQ is not the economy.

Like a horoscope is not astronomy.

            It’s what you earn, save and spend

            that your household must tend.

Like sun, water and soil to agronomy.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Voter fraud

Don tells his supporters “Vote twice!”

“Or if you could manage it, thrice!”

            and the corpulent Barr

            yes, our top legal tsar

has endorsed this illegal advice.

COVID: Donald's internal monologue

“Let everyone else get infected.

Not MY job to see they’re protected.

If they die, well who cares?

Won’t be me or my heirs.

And the blame can always be deflected.”

The Laureates are Noble...

The many winners of the Nobel prize 

Have proven they’re smart and they’re wise.

     Together decidin’

     They’re endorsin’ Biden.

Trust and belief in science applies. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Look out for the chicken noodle!!

They got on the plane as a group, 

The men dressed in black with their soup. 

     Trump’s lame-brain claim

     That Antifa’s to blame. 

Is just more delusional poop!


Airplanes are loaded with thugs
Dressed in black, they’re scary, Trump plugs.
     And Portland has burned
     For decades, he’s learned;
And Joe should be tested for drugs?

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Long guns and short sighted

We’re angry but must coexist.

Use voices and holster your fists.

            Consider your sources

            and beware of forces

that Moscow is glad to assist.