Friday, November 20, 2020

How Democracy Ends.

They target your grief and your pain

and know when to yank on your chain.

         Big data pulls wires.

         The right wing conspires

in your local church and campaign.


For more information, check out the Amazon documentary:

People You May Know.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Tens of millions have PTSD

from the Trump presidency.

         Better days beckoning

         come with a reckoning

for the death, crimes and indecency.

Friday, November 13, 2020

How Pandemics End

Pandemics only end in one way.

It’s what the doctors and scientists say.

         The cure-all like no other:


Wear a mask.  Keep your distance.  Okay?

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

All Hands on Deck

Yes Biden won, but our country’s a wreck.

The claws of fascism are in our neck.

         We’ve made a narrow escape.

         With no heroes in capes,

it’s going to take all hands on deck.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Pompeo is a Big Ash.

Pompeo, you’ll be like Pompeii.

Both buried in ashes one day.

         Consumed in the end

         by the MAGmA you tend,

fueling Trump’s volcanic spray.

Bill Barr

The perfidious plight of Bill Barr

expands POTUS powers too far.

         It’s good for dictators

         and chaos creators

but not for the Stripes and the Stars.

Good riddance to them all...

Trump’s firing of the head of Defense,

Will make the White House insiders all tense. 

     He should fire one daily

     Starting with Kayleigh.

 Betsy, Jared, Ivanka, and Pence. 

Monday, November 9, 2020

Bad Breaker Upper

Trump is a bad breaker upper.

His endless tweets interrupt supper.

         There’s naught left to discuss.

         Stop making a fuss.

It's over, you fascist old crupper.



Lies, collusion, sedition, and treason

Are some of the multiple reasons

     We voted him out,

     With nary a doubt.

And his lies continue at the Four Seasons.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Cult of Trump

We’ve got to deprogram his cult.

They are not free thinking adults.

They’re brainwashed and confused

and must be disabused

of his lies they extol and exult.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

A Sad Little Boy Born in Queens - part 4

A sad little boy born in Queens

Took the White House in Twenty-Sixteen

         Of his antics, we’re tired.

         Little Donald, you’re fired!

Autocracy’s just not our scene!



Cries of joy! Tears of elation!
A great world-wide celebration!
    Now let’s kick that louse
    Out of the White House
And get started rebuilding the nation.

By Linda Gunther

Democratic Party

Our Party’s music is for every race.

We each have our sound but we all keep pace.

           Whatever the weather

           our gig is together.

And our band is more than just the base.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


It’s down to the end and we count.

The unbearable tension, it mounts.

         The world seems in tatters

         so every vote matters.

Every vote matters.  We count.

Monday, November 2, 2020


When he’s his most vile and uncouth

remember this one simple truth.

The levers of power 

don’t rest in the tower.

They rest in your own voting booth.