Thursday, June 30, 2016

Trump on Trade

Nothing could ever be fine-a
Than Trumped up trade wars with China
     We’ll pull out of NAFTA
     You know that we’ll hafta
With laws soon to be asinine-a.

Thin skin, thick skull

Donald and Brexit's lead Boris
Both think that "Hairstylists adore us."
     The wigs aforesaid
     Just cover a head
With a skull like an ankylosaurus.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Nuke 'em, Donno

Bob Gates thinks that the logic is marginal
To trust Trump with the nuclear arsenal.
     To give him the code
     is disaster forebode.
His tiny finger on the button is farcical.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Want a 10? It's not Heidi Klum.
And Huffington rides on a broom
     Jolie's dated too many,
     Carly's homely as any.
His choice - Ivanka, I presume.

Hypocritic oaf

Trump argues that he's for free trade,
But mention NAFTA and get a tirade.
     China makes him mad,
     And South Korea is bad.
But ask him where his clothing is made.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Cleveland Revolt

Trump’s bid for election is jolting
So much that his party is bolting.
     They may stage a coup
     In Cleveland, it’s true –
Fact is, Trump’s the one who’s revolting!

"Pants on Fire" ...again

A “politician” of way too much note
Praised the Scots for their Brexit vote.
     But, oh by the way,
     Scotland voted to stay.
“Pants on fire” for another Trump quote.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

The only thing to fear, is fear itself

Trump has phobias, you and I know. 
Xeno-, Islamo-, homo-, and Sino-
     (When you look at his head
      It's malia- to dread.)
But when he thinks of Clinton it's gyno-

Turnberry Trump

Protesters at Turnberry Trump
Object to the bigoted grump.
     Can’t we please just play golf
     Minus modern Adolf?
The Scots have no love for this chump.

Freedom of the Press!

The press corps is perfectly free
To report, if their stories suit me.
     No Buzzfeed or Post
     Press freedom is toast
I rule, Trump says chillingly.

Good Nazi soldiers

The Donald embraces Ann Coulter,
Who gives immigrant folks the cold shoulder.
     "If they're not just like us,
      Put 'em back on the bus"!
Their treatment couldn't be any colder. 

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Take note, America

In Scotland with his entourage
Trump congratulated Nigel Ferage.
     The world should note
     That this British vote
Is just part of Trump's racist collage. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

See no evil...

Trump's vitriolic language offends.
He always disdains and condescends.
    He likes to talk smack,
    and minorities, attack.
But his supporters will not reprehend.

Retake on Theatre of Tragedy

From a world leader, how does this sound:
“I get more golfers from a de-valued Pound.”
     Such a comment on Brexit -
     We’ve come to expect it.
Trump’s dim and unsound words still confound.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

W? B? St?

A sampling of Trump's favorite pitch:
I know words, and I'm very rich.
    With ACA I'm done,
    And I'll save you your gun,
And Lyin' Hillary is such a *itch.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Trump’s finally pulled in Chairman Priebus
In hopes that he’ll quiet the tweet fuss.
Getting donors to pay
Is Reince’s forte

He’ll not likely succeed here in C-bus.

Even more descriptive, he was

Build a wall? It's hard to conceive of it. 
And when people call out Trump, gotta' love it. 
     Rep.  Filemon Vela of Texas 
     Essentially told Trump he was feckless. 
When he told him "the wall, you can shove it!"

Monday, June 20, 2016

You're fired!

Lewandowski is so yesterday
His mouth finally got in his way.
     Caputo’s kaput
     Are others afoot?
Sack the Judge?  Hey Trump, there’s no way!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Trump's Brilliant Idea

He wants to arm drinkers with guns.
This even the NRA shuns.
     It’s not clear who he’s
     thinking he’ll please
By lunacy that honestly stuns.

                        by Don Hubin

Don't believe him!!!

Trump is a masterful demagogue. 
He knows words, but he's dumb as a log. 
     "Belgium's a nice town"
     Said the bright orange clown
I'm sure he thinks Dodd-Frank is a hot dog. 


Emergency!  Trump wants your buck
Poor guy must be down on his luck.
     He needs 100K
     By late Saturday
To dispute ads that say he’s a schmuck.

Self-fund his campaign – there’s no way!
He’s figured out how not to pay
     Investors and such
     His workers not much
You can’t trust a word that he’ll say.

His "self-funding" will now come from you
His supporters, the tried and the true.
     His billions will stay
     In his bank tucked away
While you, loyal fans, feel the screw.

Julie C-H

Oh Canada!

If Trump's elected we'll get a wall,
And it will cost us nothing at all!
     Builders undaunted
     will keep out the unwanted.
Canada will stand free and tall.

Tom Wilson

Dead wrong again

"There's still no Muslim assimilation 
Even in second or third generation"
     Says Herr Donald Trump
     But he's such a chump
Pew Research disputes his quotation.


He tells us that he's good at business
But his laborer force will bear honest witness
     They'll  tell you the truth
     The man is uncouth
His ego adds to his unfitness. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Trump's Eloquence

"I love the poorly educated!"
Trump so eloquently stated.
     He spews so much crap,
     and avoids any flap,
It feels like we're all being baited.

                    by Matt Sexton

Like being your own attorney.

I talk to myself for advice.
My own view of the facts will suffice.
     My position is forming
     About global warming.
I know that there's no melting ice.

Don't bother with facts

Where Trump gets his facts is mysterious.
He comes across as mostly delirious
     After each ugly tweet
     His mouth holds his feet
“Obama loves ISIS”… are you serious?

"Ask the Gays!"

No bigot, the Donald rates praise.
Don’t take it from him, “Ask the gays!”
     This laughable troll
     With no verbal control
Spreads everywhere bleak Trump malaise.

                                by Julie Carpenter-Hubin

Trump's Deals

Trump liked to make a deal, 
he promoted his deals with great zeal. 
     To the voters he said, 
     don't deal with Hillary, deal with me instead. 
You won't believe how good you will feel.

                                    by Gary Hart

Insult Results

There was a man named Trump, 
who kicked his opponents in the rump. 
     He like to insult, 
     it gave a good result, 
and caused his poll numbers to jump.

                         by Anonymous

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Make America Hate

America once was so great;
Trump tells us it’s still not too late:
     Just build us a wall
     That’s sufficiently tall,
And thoroughly plastered with hate.
                                       by Steve Fink


His abnormally orange complexion,
His hair—a spun sugar confection—
     We think we’re amused,
     But he’s got us confused,
And he’s playing us all to perfection.

                                                      by Steve Fink

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Tragedy for the Republican Establishment

Pity the establishment "R"s
Who for months must deal with their Czar's
    Shameful expressions,
    Yet they can't make concessions
Or announce, "He's not really ours!"

Don Hubin


He’s got such bizarrely weird hair
That it’s hard not to snicker and stare;
     But he’s really not funny,
     And he’s got lots of money,

So look out for the Donald—Beware!

Steve Fink

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


His last Tweet, I'd like to dismiss it.
Implying Barack was complicit. 
     Trump's trying to reason
     Obama's actions are treason.
But Trump's statements are mostly illicit. 

Full court Press

He's willing to mock a reporter,
And Buzzfeed he'd hit with a mortar. 
     He no longer will host
     The Washington Post.
Megyn Kelly, he'd like to deport her. 

A Game No One Could Win

A Euchre game no one could win,
T’was John, Marco, Ted, and Ben,
     Each player a chump,
     All following Trump,

Who made America hate again.

Kevin O'Conner

The Power of a Trump Tweet

A thousand Muslims cheered in the street!
Obama's documentation? Incomplete!
     Scalia was killed!
     Hillary is unskilled!
It's true, because I put it in a tweet. 

Matt Sexton

Monday, June 13, 2016

No Good Path

Republicans face a real schism
Due largely to Trump’s narcissism
       Stay home, lose the court
       Vote Trump, be a sport
And be guilty of HUGE jingoism!

Fatherly Feelings?

He can make any woman a hater,
cause his favorability to crater,
     It filled many with dread,
     when he actually said,
If she weren't my daughter, I'd date her. 

Matt Sexton

Good businessman? (not so much)

 "I'll make money for you, you will find!"
So investors came forward and signed.
     But the Trump Taj Mahal
     And its stock took a fall.
But his pockets were already lined.

Sunday, June 12, 2016


Trump's Castle and Taj were sublime
But grew ramshackle in a short time.
     His casinos went broke
     Wait - that must be a joke!
The house never loses a dime.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Blow 'em up!

So now it's just Donald and Hillary. 
He'll double down on the people he'll pillory
      Renew his call 
      For a Mexican wall
And for ISIS families, artillery. 

Friday, June 10, 2016

(No) Class

He spews hatred at people en masse,
And he seems to think money means class.
   But money aside,
   There's a truth he can't hide:
The Donald is really an ass.

Don Hubin

What You Won't Learn at Trump University

Wants a wall to keep out diversity
Attacks women with gleeful perversity.
     This is not what you need
     To successfully lead
But you won't learn that at Trump University

Jason Sullivan

Party of Lincoln

The “Party of Lincoln” seems dead
When its candidate’s A. Richard Head—
     A loudmouthed disgrace
     With a bright orange face.
For a “very good brain” can’t vote red.

John Wanzer

Thursday, June 9, 2016


To the Dons of the world it's a shame
With this man to be sharing a name.
     If this fraud gets elected,
     Instead of rejected,
The rest of us Dons aren't to blame.

Don Hubin

Supports veterans??

He skipped the debates for the Vets.
And all the donations he gets.
   Some funds he’ll divide
   But keep most inside
And use them to license his jets.

Offend Megyn etal

There once was a mogul from Fifth,
who with Megyn created a rift.
   Her questions were leading,
   He accused her of bleeding
And implied Carly needed a facelift


“We like him, he just speaks his mind!”
His supporters just seem to be blind.
   “If no nomination, we’ll riot.
   the RNC choice, we’ll defy it.”
And the GOP starts to unwind.

Sexist Pig

“Rosie’s such a fat pig, she should diet.
Ugly Carly for Prez, I don’t buy it.”
   A sexist, no doubt.
   His comments are out.
And dating his daughter, he’ll try it.

Ugly man

His color’s like iodine tincture.
His mouth is the shape of a sphincter.
   The size of his hands
   Relates to his Glans.
And his bad hair? I can’t be succincter.


To Trump, to offend is a sport.
"If you’re not just like me I’ll deport.
        We’ll build a big wall,
        Cause you’ve got such gall,
To be the judge of me in your court."

 - Wayne Carlson

Judge Not

A woman cannot be a ten
Unless she is busty and thin,
     Orange-haired with a pudge
     Trump ought not to judge--
He does, to his party's chagrin.

-Julie Carpenter-Hubin

Trump Answers

There once was a goofus named Trump
Whose mind seemed to work like a dump.
     Garbage in, garbage out 
     There's no question about
Whence his answers came - straight from his rump!

-Julie Carpenter-Hubin