Friday, December 4, 2020

Crimes? What crimes?


Trump has protected more snakes than Medusa.

Like Scooter, Arpaio, and D’Souza. 

     The last one was Flynn,

     Soon his next-of-kin.

Here comes Donald Trump’s  “pardon-palooza”.

Friday, November 20, 2020

How Democracy Ends.

They target your grief and your pain

and know when to yank on your chain.

         Big data pulls wires.

         The right wing conspires

in your local church and campaign.


For more information, check out the Amazon documentary:

People You May Know.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Tens of millions have PTSD

from the Trump presidency.

         Better days beckoning

         come with a reckoning

for the death, crimes and indecency.

Friday, November 13, 2020

How Pandemics End

Pandemics only end in one way.

It’s what the doctors and scientists say.

         The cure-all like no other:


Wear a mask.  Keep your distance.  Okay?

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

All Hands on Deck

Yes Biden won, but our country’s a wreck.

The claws of fascism are in our neck.

         We’ve made a narrow escape.

         With no heroes in capes,

it’s going to take all hands on deck.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Pompeo is a Big Ash.

Pompeo, you’ll be like Pompeii.

Both buried in ashes one day.

         Consumed in the end

         by the MAGmA you tend,

fueling Trump’s volcanic spray.

Bill Barr

The perfidious plight of Bill Barr

expands POTUS powers too far.

         It’s good for dictators

         and chaos creators

but not for the Stripes and the Stars.

Good riddance to them all...

Trump’s firing of the head of Defense,

Will make the White House insiders all tense. 

     He should fire one daily

     Starting with Kayleigh.

 Betsy, Jared, Ivanka, and Pence. 

Monday, November 9, 2020

Bad Breaker Upper

Trump is a bad breaker upper.

His endless tweets interrupt supper.

         There’s naught left to discuss.

         Stop making a fuss.

It's over, you fascist old crupper.



Lies, collusion, sedition, and treason

Are some of the multiple reasons

     We voted him out,

     With nary a doubt.

And his lies continue at the Four Seasons.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Cult of Trump

We’ve got to deprogram his cult.

They are not free thinking adults.

They’re brainwashed and confused

and must be disabused

of his lies they extol and exult.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

A Sad Little Boy Born in Queens - part 4

A sad little boy born in Queens

Took the White House in Twenty-Sixteen

         Of his antics, we’re tired.

         Little Donald, you’re fired!

Autocracy’s just not our scene!



Cries of joy! Tears of elation!
A great world-wide celebration!
    Now let’s kick that louse
    Out of the White House
And get started rebuilding the nation.

By Linda Gunther

Democratic Party

Our Party’s music is for every race.

We each have our sound but we all keep pace.

           Whatever the weather

           our gig is together.

And our band is more than just the base.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


It’s down to the end and we count.

The unbearable tension, it mounts.

         The world seems in tatters

         so every vote matters.

Every vote matters.  We count.

Monday, November 2, 2020


When he’s his most vile and uncouth

remember this one simple truth.

The levers of power 

don’t rest in the tower.

They rest in your own voting booth.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Thank-you Poll Workers

For the Poll Workers, we all give thanks.

You are brave volunteers in your ranks.

         Your hard work will ensure

         that the vote is secure

in the setting of suppressive pranks.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Sacred ground

Ignoring the Hatch Act’s wearing thin. 

Including the Barrett swearing-in. 

     As much a campaign event

     As a Trump rally in a tent. 

This kind of White House use is a sin. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020


The First Lady has yet to be seen
Campaigning for Trump as his queen. 
     She does what she wants
     Her indifference flaunts -
Her marriage a barren smokescreen.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Turning the corner...

The Donald is showing some nerve 

To claim that we’re rounding the curve. 

     While he’s up there lying,

     More people are dying

He’s again proving he’s unfit to serve.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Supreme Thwart

Red team tactics leave much to abhor.

Dems must endeavor to even the score.

         Courts so far to the right

         give no chance of fair fight

and baked in after Bush versus Gore.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

It's A Mute Point!

Trump’s angst has become more acute
For he lost an important dispute.
     In the upcoming debate
     There’s a rule that he’ll hate -
The host now has power to mute!

Catharsis in Rhyme

Our limericks allow for purgation

of a burgeoning mound of frustration.

         These droll little rhymes

         are healthy pastimes

in lieu of mind numbing libations.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Donald has such joie de vivre
But sadly refuses to leave.
     His exuberance can be tempered
     This coming November
When he learns we really are peeved.

By David Hoover


But enough of political limericks
With their ridiculous word play and tricks.
     Let’s turn out the jerk
     And get back to work
Without all the rascals, the fools, and the pricks.

Our current Vee Pee is Mike Pense
And he seems like a guy of good sense.
     But his heart is so cold
     And he does what he’s told
Like cooping up kids with a fence.

Of course there’s always Mitt Romney
To turn our cacophony to harmony.
     But he’s too high and mighty
     Not right for a fight, he
Can’t help erase the ignominy.


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Load for Bear

Republicans don’t care what is “fair”.

They make up “rules” of thin air.

         A knife isn’t right

         when you’re in a gun fight.

Dems need to be loaded for bear.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

With more than 8 million infected,
And all sound advice rejected,
     I wonder out loud
     Among all that he’s cowed
How he thinks he’ll get re-elected.

By David Hoover


Good news, there’s an antidote!
To relieve that pain in our…throat. 
     It’s really quite simple, 
     Much like squeezing a pimple. 
We just have to get out the vote.

By David Hoover

Thursday, October 15, 2020


In twenty-sixteen Trump got elected. 

In twenty-twenty we all got infected.

     If we vote him out,

     There will be no doubt.

Our country can be resurrected.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Not cool, NBC.

Hey NBC! This is not fitting!

Why are you doing Trump’s bidding?

         Your upright press box

         turns from Peacock to Fox.

It’s hard to believe you’re unwitting.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Immoral and Anti-Choice

In their push to ban every abortion

they’ve defended immoral contortions.

         And the previously unborn,

         become the people they scorn

and paint with self-righteous distortions.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Narcissistic Supply

There’s a key to the Donald’s ascension,

in spite of our grave apprehension.

All he needs to survive,

         to stay strong and to thrive

is our undivided attention.


Sunday, October 11, 2020

Superspreader President

He doesn’t mind who he kills.

He gets his sadistic thrills

         from being in power.

         His bootlickers cower

and shake with high fever and chills.


Hey Donald, you’re digging a hole
As you drop down in every poll.
     Rasmussen - your fav
     Even looks pretty grave
You seem frantic; you’re losing control.

I get it – your chances are slim;
The polling is dark and it’s grim.
     If you lose – what to do?
     It’s so sad to be you.
With prospects so taxing and dim.

Consider just stepping away!
There’s no one forcing your stay.
     Putin’s got a spare room
     You can hang out and fume
Don’t forget to take your hairspray!

Saturday, October 10, 2020

State Houses Matter

To fight against voter suppression

State Houses must be our obsession.

         If they’re Trumpublican led

         counted votes will be red

and prevent Democratic succession.

Friday, October 9, 2020

A Perfect Physical Specimen

Donald Trump, our White House denizen
Announced he’s a most perfect specimen!
     He’s “extremely young”
     Trips straight from his tongue;
Crazy lies are just part of his regimen.


Oh good lord when will he go away???
He gets more deranged by the day.
     With the nuclear code
     I’m afraid he’ll explode
The world as we know it today.

By Linda Gunther

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Fly in Pence's Hair

The pasty obsequious Pence

is a master of vapid pretense.

         But harbinger flies

         on putrid things lie,

against which Mike has no defense.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Amid all the blunders and lies
It should come as no big surprise.
     Social distance is lax
     And no one wears masks.
The White House is dropping like flies.

by Linda Gunther

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Back to School

He says he’s no longer a fool
Cause he went to Real Covid School.
     Yet he endangers
     His drivers, and strangers…
He still doesn’t play by the rules

by Linda Gunther

Monday, October 5, 2020

Lives of Others

For all of the innocent sick.

We want you to get better quick.

You’ve been taking care

         from infectious air,

unlike the Trump minion dipsticks.

Medical Pageant

With all of the medical scenics,

he’ll be mended and rise like a phoenix.

         But the poor and infected

         are cruelly neglected,

given aspirin and boxes of Kleenex.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Dr. Prospero tried to talk sense to the congregants...

This sounds like “Masque of the Red Death” by Poe, 

With rich guests lined up row after row. 

     During a pandemic,

     Supporting the Court pick.

They should have worn big masks like Joe.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

COVID meets Don

When COVID met Don at a rally

COVID said, "Don, you're right up my alley!

         You’ve tried to dismiss

         how potent my kiss.

Now I’m adding your name to my tally.”

Friday, October 2, 2020

Let This Craziness End

I haven’t quite given up hope,
But I’m really not sure I can cope.
     With voter suppression
     Compounding depression,
I’m reaching the end of my rope.

By Steve Fink


Of course I don’t want Trump to die,
But I want him to understand why
     His dismissing the virus
     Has jeopardized all of us,
And it won’t go away with a lie.

By Steve Fink


Hope Hicks may have let out a sneeze;
Now Trump’s caught the COVID disease.
     He said it’s a hoax,
     And masks are just jokes.
Now karma’s brought him to his knees.

By Steve Fink

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Ode to Rachel Maddow

She’s so very smart in her blazer

as she tells us the things that amaze her.

         Down the garden path

         where she’s done all the math

and cuts to the truth like a razor.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Light a Candle

We’re faced with a daily Trump scandal

and it seems like it’s too much to handle.

         Like we’re stuck in the loo

         with a mountain of poo.

Someone, ANYONE please light a candle.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Pitchforks and Axes

He cheats on his wives and his taxes

and will lie about what every fact is.

         He’s a psychopath troll

         that in serf times of ole

would be chastened with pitchforks and axes.

Monday, September 28, 2020

How to Post Your Limerick

 Contributions are encouraged!  Submit your limerick as a comment to this message and, unless it is even more vulgar or threatening than Trump, we'll post it for you! Please let us know if you want your name listed under the limerick.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

President Tax Dodger

Well, now we've all heard the facts - 
Trump dodges his fair share of tax.
     He paid less than a grand
     Give this grifter a hand!
He makes most villains look like they're hacks!

Overcharged and Overcombed

Hey Donald, I really do care
When I see things that simply aren't fair.
     It just shouldn't be
     You're charged such a fee
As seventy grand for that hair!

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Berlin 1934. USA 2020?

Ignorance of history is showing.

Tyranny is built on not knowing

         how the insidious creep

         of corrupt power can seep

and gut government with one sowing.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Elections Matter

The peaceful transition of power
Has helped our republic to flower.
     And Trump says – Well, gee -
     We’ll just “have to see.”
Our democracy wanes by the hour.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Karma for Mitch

Machiavellian maneuvers of Mitch

have been vicious and made him quite rich.

         With our ethics in shreds

         how the country has bled.

There's always karma.  Payback is a bitch.