Friday, July 31, 2020

The Real Fraud

Trump calls to delay this year’s vote
Or else there’ll be fraud, is his quote.
     He fears he will lose
     This is naught but a ruse
Americans all should take note.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

No poor people allowed

The Donald is mimicking Fred,

As he acts like a racist skinhead. 

     “No low income houses 

     Or minority louses.

Our suburbs will stay white instead.”

Oh Come On, Come On Immanuel

She advises we take chloroquine
Reptiles run our land, she opines.
     Cysts are caused by sex dreams
     But the worst is vaccines
And our President commends her online.


Trump still hypes the drug with his talk.

(He must have the drug-maker’s stock.)

     “Hydroxychloroquine works!”

      He counters Fauci and Birx.

And he retweets the Demon Sperm Doc.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

“Nobody likes me...”

The Donald just seems a bit grouchy,

And stands just a little more slouchy.

     He sits on his throne

     And types on his phone.

He’s still trending much lower than Fauci.

High Praise for Tiny Truth

Our AG hit the news near and far
Testifying all day – what a star!
     Won acclaim when he stated
     A rigged vote is not fated
AG Bill sets a very low Barr.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Trump's Twitter Rant

Twitter’s trending is all about me
Unfair cause it's honest, you see;
     I’m practically regal
     So it’s highly illegal
To post tweets that speak truth to me.

Honoring a Hero

John Lewis is lying in state
An honor that few people rate
     But Trump will not go
     No respect will he show
To a hero who’s brave, true, and great.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Trump the Problem Solver - by Fred Schueler

Republicans, blinded by glitter
Chose Trump as their new babysitter.
   But when problems ensnared
   He merely repaired
To his room to play with his Twitter

Corona Hits the White House Cafe

The White House has closed its café
And sent all its workers away
     I take action, you see,
     If you work close to me,
Says Donald – all others, just pray.

Old Blackwater, keep on rollin’ 🎶

To Portland they sent in the mercenaries,

This admin proves again it’s the worst of any.

      The troops are breaking the law,

      As the Wall of Moms saw.

Trump says this’ll just be the first of many.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

A Sad Little Boy (In Three Parts!) by Cousteau Baer

A sad little boy born in Queens
repeatedly says things obscene.
It’s not that it matters.
He’s mad as a hatter,
the product of very bad genes

A sad little boy born in Queens
grew up to be petty and mean.
A sick mind contagious
and more than outrageous.
If only we had a vaccine.

A sad little boy born in Queens
with a penchant for pawning his beans
Everything was for sale,
Down to the last nail
The White House? Oh yes, by all means!

His new rally

Children still gone at the border

Because of executive order.

When asked about it

He goes into a fit

And demeans the female reporter.

Friday, July 24, 2020

All in the Family

Ivanka’s a woman of means -
She designed her own brand of jeans!
     She’s providing advice
     To Daddy, how nice.
But re ethics, she doesn’t know beans.

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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Blue wave!

He’s downplaying the Coronavirus cases

While arguing against renaming the bases.

The confederates take precedent

In the mind of this President

It’s time to vote Blue in all races. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Woody Johnson - Double double entendre?

The orange buffoon was really hopin’

That he could move the British Open.

He then thought “oh goodie-

I’ll ask it of Woody”

(That’s also what he gets when he’s gropin’.)

Moms will respond

The critics point out his inaction,

And Trump then invents a distraction.

     No COVID attack,

     Or Putin pushback.

Troops to Portland is his newest reaction.

The Company He Keeps

The Donald just signaled Ghislaine
Well wishes that seem quite insane
     She abused little girls
     And paid them with pearls*
One wonders what he hopes to gain.

*The U.S. Sun, July 10, 2020

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Test or Detest

The most tested man in the States
That’s how Trump says that he rates
     He’s checked out oft daily
     Says press agent Kayleigh  
But detested's a likelier fate.


His presses you cannot believe

He lies, he rants, and deceives.

As he starts to talk, 

And continues to mock,

The press should just get up and leave.

Monday, July 20, 2020

The Genius of Trump

The President’s aced his brain test
So now all his people can rest
     Copied cubes and drew clocks
     Counted backwards – that rocks!
So cute when he’s doing his best!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Democracy on a Cliff

Democracy hangs on a cliff
As Donald declines to say if
     He’ll honor our choice
     For the preference we voice
“Have to see,” he says with a sniff.

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